State Of The Art
The distinctive location along the continuum between dry land and completely submerged land, between continental fresh water and sea water, gives these environments specific ecological characteristics and an intrinsic heterogeneity, represented both by the intra-habitat variations of the chemical and physical parameters (e.g. salinity, nutrients and hydro-dynamics), and by the variability between habitats, characterized by extremely different “earth-water” interfaces.
Moreover, transitional and marine-coastal ecosystems receive the products of the metabolism of roughly 60% of the total population of the biosphere, since this is how much of the population lives along the coasts, and they are thus exposed to high risks of perturbation and deterioration of their ecological state.
These distinctive characteristics of aquatic transitional and marine-coastal ecosystems have highlighted the need to develop effective plans for monitoring their environmental state.
Recent national and EU regulations [Legislative Decree 152/99 and subsequent modifications, Water Framework Directive (WFD, 2000/60/EC)] place great importance on the provision of guidelines for the establishment of monitoring plans that entail the classification of the ecological state of such ecosystems.
The accuracy of the monitoring activities is fundamentally linked to the choice of the descriptors and the correspondence between the spatial and temporal scales in which the information is gathered and the dynamics of the descriptors themselves.
The aforementioned national and EU regulations see phytoplankton as one of the most significant biological elements for the evaluation of the state of health of aquatic transitional and marine-coastal ecosystems. However, these regulations provide only general indications on the relative descriptors, which represent the measurable variables of such elements, to be included in the monitoring plans.
The selection of suitable descriptors is a critical part of the creation of a monitoring programme. For this reason the scientific community has been working for many years on the development, both conceptual and methodological, of descriptors that are effective, reliable, and simple to apply [2].
As for the phytoplankton, there is currently much debate among scientists over the suitability of descriptors and indices based on the taxonomic recognition of the species (for which the regulations also provide classification criteria), rather than on aspects relating to functional relationships or size fractions. The latter group of descriptors are generally referred to as non-taxonomic descriptors.
Non-taxonomic descriptors have a number of advantages on the operational and conceptual level, but currently lack an adequate experimental basis, sufficient data, tested evidence and methodologies comparable to those used for taxonomic study, for which, in contrast, there exist standardized methodological procedures. For many years, the ecology group of the University of Salento has been involved in the development of non-taxonomic descriptors of the state of health of aquatic transitional and marine-coastal ecosystems based on the determination of the bodily dimensions of phytoplankton cells.
These descriptors are linked to aspects relating to the morphological and dimensional characteristics of the phytoplankton organisms and may be defined both on an individual level (as bio-volume, surface area or ratio of surface area to volume [26]), and on the corporation level, either as the distributions of the bodily dimensions of the organisms in relation to their abundance (body size-abundance spectra [42]), or as the contribution to phytoplankton biomass of the size classes, consisting of pico-, nano- and micro-phytoplankton, following Sieburth (1979) [34]).
On a conceptual level, these descriptors have a strong theoretical basis, which is associated with body-size theory [23][20] [44][24] and metabolic theory [3], since the whole of the individual metabolism, a large part of the biological cycle [4][7] and even the interactive relationships [1][38][14][15] that the individuals have with individuals of the same and different species, all depend on the bodily dimensions of the individuals themselves.
On these themes the ecology group of the University of Salento has produced important scientific papers that have been published in the most prestigious periodicals of this sector [1][2][32][33].
- they are easier to determine;
- they are easier to inter-calibrate;
- they eliminate the difficulties linked to the taxonomic classification of the species;
- they allow for an easier comparison between ecosystems, since they make it possible to resolve the difficulties linked to the heterogeneity of the taxonomic structure in transitional and marine-coastal ecosystems;
- they are quicker and the costs in terms of personnel can be lower.
The other special characteristic of the department of engineering of innovation is its outstanding research record in the field of Grid Computing, which has interesting implications for the management of scientific data distributed over a number of sites. This helps to optimize the use of available hardware, [48] which can be managed by the user efficiently and transparently, ensuring maximum usability by the scientific community.
Concerning the current state of knowledge in the field of microscopy supported by image analysis systems, the project intends to move in two directions; on the one hand it will develop a specific software for the determination of cellular bio-volume and the surface area of the algal cells, starting from 2D images, which takes account of the most recent scientific developments concerning both the sets of geometric models proposed and the proposed and tested suggestions for estimating the third dimension.
The software will be easy to use and available on the market and usable in routine analysis and together with instrumentation commonly available in the laboratory for the analysis of phytoplankton. Moreover the project will experiment with the new technologies in the field of 3D image analysis, with the aim of achieving a more accurate and faster estimate of the bio-volume and surface area of the algal cells. The project also aims to create the software for classification of health status based on estimated values of non-taxonomic descriptors of phytoplankton guild, the latter being identified in the descriptors of the size-abundance distributions.
The way in which these descriptors will be estimated will take account of scientific evidence that will study the statistical parameters of the size-abundance distributions (Mean, Mode, median, Kurtosis and Skewness, and line slope and intercept in the case of normalized distributions) with a view to evaluating their potential as descriptors [16][20][32][33][27][28][29][42][45]. The model for classifying the ecological status of marine and transitional ecosystems criteri will take in account of recent laws and regulation of “resource water” (D.L. 152/99; WFD 2000/60/CE).
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