Size Density Relationships
The size density relationships web service calculates and describes the relationships between size (considering average biovolume or average cell carbon content) and density for any given combination of spatial, temporal and taxonomic level of observations. The mandatory fields for this web service are density, biovolume or cell carbon content. If the values for the mandatory fields are not present in the dataset, they can be obtained by using the dedicated Traits Computation web service.
Follow the operational steps to run the service.
It will return a .zip file containing:
- a summary table in .csv format with the values of density, total biovolume and total carbon content according to the taxonomic level and the selected cluster;
- a summary table in .csv format with the result of the distribution linear model;
- a scatter plot with the trend power law (y = k Xα) and upper quantile boundary regression (quantile 0.95).
Input file must be in .csv format.
- dataset
- trait
- taxonomic level
- spatial and temporal levels
Step 1 - upload your dataset (*)
Step 2 - select the trait (*)
Select the trait to be used for the size distribution.
Step 3 - select the taxonomic level (*)
Select the taxonomic level to be used for the size distribution.
Step 4 - select the spatial and temporal levels (*)
These levels are needed for the clusterization of data. If no spatial or temporal levels are selected, the distribution is made on the whole dataset.